Welcome to our Winter Wonderland...

Sending Christmas and New Year Greetings
to Garth Brooks and Family

There are many ways to say...


...and here are just a few of them...

Dear Garth,Sandy,Taylor,August and Allie,

My Christmas gift for ya'll this year is for all of you to find happiness, peace, love, compassion and so much more within yourselves and your family and friends. May God heal your heart and soul and may He take away the pain that has occured in your lives.

I pray that Garth and Sandy, that ya'll do what you feel is the best for your children. They are the light of the future of this world, may you both see this each and everyday!!

Merrry Christmas Garth Brooks and Family!!!

God Bless You All!!

Vanessa Graham Phil. 4:13
Ellicott City, MD


May God bless you and guide you at this season and through the next year.

Sharon Freeze
CYBER~TAZ and the Tenderheart Gang
Tenderheart Pugs
No. Hollywood CA

Dear Garth,

Wishing you and your family a wonderful Christmas. May the year 2001 hold dreams come true for all of you.

Thank you for all that you have given us (especially the wonderful concert in Rotterdam, The Netherlands, April 17, 1994). If we could only touch your heart, the way you touched ours....

Take care of yourself and the ones you love,


Hi Garth

Just to wish you and your family a peaceful Christmas and all that is best in the New Year. God bless you and keep you safe.

Sue and Frank McCarthy
Hampshire, England.

Dear Garth,

I would like to wish you all the best this Christmas and many, many more to come.

I would also like to take this opportunity to wish you a happy and healthy 2001... you deserve the best there is to offer Garth... for all that you have given to me I would like to give it all back to you to ensure you the happiest of times to come.

You to me are the best and I know you will have a very merry Christmas with your 3 little girls, they are blessed to have a father like you, and I would bet you have a blast with them on Christmas morning with all the presents that Santa left the night before - there is nothing like little ones seeing the tree on Christmas morning with all the presents under it. It's like magic worked over night.

I must end this now... but not before I let you know that I am proud to say I am a Garth Brooks fan... and that you never cease to amaze me... I will cherish your music forever!! And thank-you for sharing your heart with me and all of your fans... that is what makes you so special, you give and never expect to receive, that's why my wish to you is coming with lots of love and ((((hugs))))

From my heart and home to yours,

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year Garth,
Love and God bless
Sue Cotie.. aka.. lvgb4ever

To: Garth, Sandy and your entire family

Thank you for sharing your music with us and being part of it, is something special.

May this Christmas brings you years of happiness and fortune.
May all of you receive what you've asked for.

Have a wonderful Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

God bless you, everyone.

Ottawa, Ontario


What I wish for you this Christmas, is whatever you wish yourself.
I hope you find love like I have shared with my husband for 33 years now.
I hope you find peace of mind.
I hope you find every dream you ever had stays as special when you hold it in your hands as it was when it just lived in your heart.
I hope you find answers.
Your heart holds the desire.
Your mind holds the power.
Your soul holds the key.
You just need the courage to turn it.
The truth is 'out there', it's just a question of asking the right person.


Dear Garth -

Just wanted to wish you and your family a blessed Christmas.

Thanks for making my dream come true this year, as I saw you at the Opry on Oct 13th and met you and got a hug afterwards. I hope you enjoyed that evening as much as all of us fans did.

Thanks also for giving Ty this second chance, the CD is wonderful!

God bless you in all you do and may God guide your decisions and heart

Cindy Lampley
Kirkwood MO


I hope that this Christmas brings to you, all that your heart desires, but above all, I hope it brings you peace, with your life, and continued happiness with the time you have now with your three special gifts.

I also hope this new year is a fresh start for you and brings you much deserved happiness.

You are always in my thoughts and prayers, and will forever be in my heart.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year Garth!

Shelly Steen
Beaverdale, Pa

Garth and family,

I know that you have been going through a tough time this year. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. Take care of yourself and your three beautiful daughters.

My family has been going through a rough week. We just found out last week that my husband has acute renal failure (in a way he has about no kidneys left). Your music has help me get through the shock and the other emotions I am feeling right now. He is going in the hospital three times a week for dialysis and hopefully he can get a transplant.

Thank your for sharing your talents with all of us. I know I am not the first person you have helped.

God bless you Garth.

Gary and Nancy Leddige

Dear Garth and your family,

Wishing you a joyous festive season this year.

May 2001 bring peace and happiness to you all.

Lots of love from
Kerrie (aka Aussie Chris Fan)

PS - Maybe I'll catch you around in January (I'll be in the area!)

Dear Garth and Family,

I wish you all the best this holiday season and always, you have given me a smile that will last forever, I only wish you the same. If you don't have it right now, you have to find your smile, for everyone has it but sometimes it gets lost. You deserve the best out of life and whatever make you happy is what I wish for you.

Your Fan but most importantly your Friend,

Jennifer Goldstein

Garth and Family,

Wishing You and Yours all the best during the Holiday season and throughout the year.

Have a Very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Healthy New Year!

Always a Believer...
Anna Hutson

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year Garth & Family

Dear Garth:

May God always bless and watch over you and the ones you love. You have been such an inspiration and blessing for me through your music. I can never repay you for sharing so much of yourself with me and your other fans. You truly are one of God's great angels on Earth. With the holiday and coming year, I wish you peace, love, and good health to you and all those you hold dear. Hold tight to your greatest gifts of all: your three little girls.

God Bless,
Lisa Eickler
Mount Vernon, New York

Dear Garth:

My Christmas wish for you this year is for all the joy and happiness your heart can take. The joy and happiness you and your music have given me has taken me on a wondrous journey to a new life and I thank you for that.

The book that you are holding in this photo contains the poem I wrote about you titled, "Ode to Garth" (I'm sure you recognize it ) and while it is far from being a great work of art, it is from my heart to yours. I'm still not certain why I became so emotional when it reached your hands. Perhaps it was seeing the light eminating from your face, the light that I hadn't seen in a long time, or perhaps it was sensing that you were at peace with the decision you'd made. As I wrote on the book's jacket, be happy my friend...that really is what it's all about.

In the years to come, I will miss seeing the greatest entertainer the world has ever known grace that concert stage but the decision you've made has put you on the road to finding that happiness that Colleen longed for you and one, I might add, that those beautiful little ones will cherish forever.

Merry Christmas Garth to you and yours and have a wonderful New Year!

"When you grow old with the memories you clutch, smile softly and think of the souls you have touched".

With love,

Cheryl White
Carneys Point, NJ

Merry Christmas Garth!

Thanks to you and Chris Gaines I'm sure this holiday will be full of even more magic that goes beyond the season than last year's, because I just had the best ride of my life I 'never had' throughout the entire year! Thanks for picking me up Sept. 29,1999! Just to warn you, you are stuck with me for another year at the very least! I believe!


Happy Holidays Garth!

Thank you so much for pouring your heart and soul into your music!
You have given me more joy then you could ever know!

I am 15 years old and spent all of the money I had saved up to see you at the Opry on Oct. 13! It was well worth it. I was sitting right there in front of that stage and cried my eyes out. (Much like I'm doing now! LOL) I couldn't believe you were standing so close I could reach out and touch you. It was hard for me to believe that I was standing so close to the person I had admired for so long, but could not even say a word!

Anyway, I wish to you, Sandy, and those three beautiful girls a very merry Christmas and a New Year full of love and peace!

Proud to be a Garth Brooks Believer,

Hi Garth:

Just a quick note to say Merry Christmas to you, Sandy, Taylor, August, Allie and all your family. May you find joy, happiness and love. You are a very special person who has given so much of yourself to the fans and you certainly deserve to be happy. We hope that Santa will bring you everything you are wishing for, and that you will be able to spend the Holidays with the people you love. Happy New Year!!

God bless,
Claude, Jeanice Robichaud & Family
New Brunswick, Canada

Hi Garth

I’m happy to have the opportunity to wish you a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year. I hope that it will be easier now that decisions have been made. Just always remember all the people who love you and who are wishing you only the very best. Allow yourself to take some strength in itÖin us.

What I can wish you is, as you sing it so well...

Have yourself a merry little Christmas
Let your heart be light
From now on your troubles will be out of sight
Once again as in olden days
Happy golden days of yore
Faithful friends who are dear to us
Gather near to us once more
Through the years we all will be together
If the fates allow
Hang a shining star upon the highest bough
And have yourself a merry little Christmas now

"If to do were as easy as to know what were good to do, chapels had been churches and poor men's cottages princes' palaces."

God bless you and your family
France Vincent
Montreal, Canada


May God hold you in the hollow of His hand and grant you and your family His healing and love.

God Bless you for sharing your gift.

Barbara Lowry

Dear Garth, Sandy, Taylor, August and Allie,

Meeting you in person in Montreal was one of the most heartwarming experiences we will ever have and one we will never forget. We will cherish these memories forever.

We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year and hope 2001 will bring you many new memories and much happiness.

God Bless You and Your Family,
Ken, Brenda and Amanda King and Family
New Brunswick, Canada

Hey Garth,


Here we are at the Opry 75th! What an awesome weekend that was and you were a complete gentleman. I was so quiet, I guess I was just absorbing it all. I'm looking forward to the next time. Our pix turned out pretty cute!

Your performances that weekend were FAN-tastic! That whole weekend is a wonderful part of my life. My father died on January 4th, 2000, the whole past 2 years have been very hard on my wonderful mom, but she and I are living together now and things are better. THAT AWESOME WEEKEND was just what my soul needed to smile again. And Jenny, what a sweetie, I felt so privileged to have the opportunity to meet her!! Wow! Oh, and while you were on stage that last show, your peers were so cheering for you when you went for the 3rd verse of "Friends in Low Places", that was so moving to see them all so in to it! Even quiet Vince was having a blast with it! Very Cool!

I hope you got the opportunity to go to Music Row and look across from the Shoney's up the street on the right and see the Billboard last time you were in NV, it was still there and I did let Kelly know about it, I hope you enjoyed it!

So Thank You from the bottom of my heart for being the person you are. Thanks also for the music, and the great smile.

Love and hugs to you cutie pie!!!!!!!!!!

Have a wonderful X-Mas and year!!

(From Oregon)

Dear Garth, Sandy, and the girls...

Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year.

It is a great opportunity that I can actually express my gratitude and greeting here, to you and your family. I know this may be a long shot (and perhaps may not actually happen to reach your sight), but with Christmas, anything can happen.

I have got many wishes that I can say are all too selfish (to myself), but my only wish that goes to you and your family is to have a great family reunion, and enjoy the Christmas spirit and great time in hand.

I regret that I did not come to know you during your early music career, and missed out the great 1994 World Tour to Auckland, New Zealand. But I am still looking forward to the day to come, when you will return to the stage for the tour that you promised to the International fans.

Snowflakes fall, drifting in air peacefully.
Forming a pool of white powder pond.
Slowly becomes a blanket of white snow field.
Covering from the east to the west of the horizon.

Sitting by the warmth giving fireplace.
Peacefully decorating the Christmas tree.
Holding up the Christmas beliefs and miracles.
Have a great family reunion by the proud standing tree.

Presents and gifts sat around the tree base.
Children and youngs crying joyously for Christmas cheers.
Adults and elders gathered to keep the family traditions.
Joy and laughter spread across the whole wide house.

Joy and peace,
Love and remembrance, tears and happiness.
Wishes and hopes, prayers and answers.
Promises and beliefs.
And a great Merry Christmas.

Kelvin Yong
(Christchurch, New Zealand)


This Holiday Season and Every Day, I wish for you, Love, Peace and Joy and so much more.

When the love that fills your heart is shared with special people in your life, you will also know the Peace and Joy that comes with your gift of Love to them.

I know you Feel that love of those Special People in your life...it shines in your eyes!

With the love of your fans alone encircling your life and healing your heart, your heart will know Love, feel our Love.

You have given us all so much: Love, Friendship, Laughter and Memories to last us a lifetime, how could we not be grateful for such a Magical Gift, how could we ever ask you for more? Your human spirit amazes me! I am so grateful!!

The circle of your Fan's Love is unconditional and will never falter...

Please know our Love, Feel our Love and at this Holy Season, we hope you Understand how deep our love for you and your Family is.

These may only be simple words from an unknown Fan, but my heart is speaking to yours. I pray your heart hears mine.

I hope the Joy returns to your life as you once knew it and you experience the Peace of your decisions.

God Bless you and all those special to your heart today, and always, especially during this remarkable Season!

With much love and admiration,

Alison Surridge
A Believer & Canadian Garthfan
Owen Sound, Ontario, Canada

Wishing Garth and family a wonderful Christmas and all the best in the New Year. My thoughts and prayers are with you all always. Hoping all your dreams come true.

A believer in you always,
Love from
Cheryl Nyenhuis
Midland, Ontario, Canada


~~To Garth, Sandy, Taylor, August and Allie~~

May the holidays hold lots of love, peace and happiness for all of you and your families. A donation has been made to the Touch'em All Foundation as my gift to all of you.

Paula Barretto
Stoughton, MA

Dear Garth,

A very Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.
Thank you for being an inspiration to our lives!
You've truly touched our hearts and souls from far across the big ocean.
And even though we've never met or seen you play live, you and your music have become very dear to us.

Birgit and Peter
Duisburg, Germany

Dear Garth & Family,

As this year comes to an end, it is my prayer that you and your family will experience peace, love, and happiness this Christmas season. Christmas is a time to be with family and friends. Any time you start to feel "down", just remember the millions of fans who will never forget your concerts, your music, and most of all your great personality and warmth. You have been an inspiration to all of us.

I hope you all have a very happy and blessed Christmas. May all your dreams come true this holiday season. May the year of 2001 be a very special year for all of you.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Love ya lots!

May God bless you always,

Kristen Turner, 15
Cameron, Texas

Dear Garth, Raymond, and the rest of the Brooks Family:

Wishing you, and your family the Joy, Happiness, Health and Peace of mind.
Hoping you and yours all the best in the year to come!!
Hope you get all you wish for this Christmas!

Mrs. Pamela L. Dolen


Well, what a year it's been... This time last year, I would have found it hard to believe I'd ever get the chance to see you up close, much less that ten months later I'd be right there in front of the Opry stage, 4000 miles from home, and behaving like a twelve year old because it just means so much to see you there, in your element, and looking so happy. To be part of that anniversary weekend, and to have the chance at least to try to show you how much you mean to us, meant the world to those of us who were privileged to be there.

Did you realise just how many of us were there for you alone? Tens of thousands of miles travelled between us, from all over the US and beyond. Not just to go that extra mile, but literally prepared to 'go to the ends of the Earth'... for you. At the risk of turning into Al Jolson, there are a whole lot of people who would go a million miles for one of your smiles!

Garth, you deserve all the joy, blessings, peace and everything you can handle of everything you could want this Christmas and New Year. You and your music give us more happiness than it's possible to express here.

As for the future - whatever makes you happy is just fine by me. Do what you gotta do - where have I heard that before...?

And please give your little princesses a hug from all of us - I would send chocolate for them too, but I haven't quite figured out a way to post it on here yet

Angela Wright
Harrow, UK


As I look out my window and watch the snowflakes fall, I can't help but sing along to your Magic of Christmas CD as I type this sincere wish to you!!

I'm searching for the perfect sentiment that might be able to sum up my emotions.

However, all I keep coming up with is "Thank You"-- Not the usual, Merry Christmas, or Joy and Happiness in the New Year.... Just a simple "Thank You" Garth. And may you someday realize in your heart just how special your gift of Music has been to this World!! I was fortunate to be at the Grand Ole Opry for your evening show on October 14th. What a night to remember. Let me say right back to you, Garth.... "We truly do LOVE YOU"

Thank You, Garth!! May you and your loved ones enjoy the Holiday Season!!!

Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...

With my sincere gratitude,
Bonnie Nenstiel
Edgar, WI

Dear Garth

My wish for you this Christmas is that you have the happiest of times spent with the ones you love. That you will know how much you are loved by so many and will be in our thoughts. That the New Year will bring all you hope and wish for.

This year saw a hope,wish and dream I have had for many years fulfilled thanks to you!!!! So a big THANK YOU Garth for stopping and giving me my "MOMENT" on the afternoon of October 23rd outside the Opry, you will never know how much it meant to me. Dreams can come true with God’s great angels like YOU!!!

God bless you always and those you love.

Norma Simpson... aka... UKGarthFan
Bedfordshire, England

Dear Garth - well, where to start?

Thank You Thank You Thank You for the wonderful year that you have given me.

I have loved your music for 6 years now, but never did I think I would ever get to meet you. But you made my dreams came true this year on March 7 (what other day could it have been really other than 7!) when I got to meet you at Spring Training. You were, as always, a gentleman, very charming and polite, and you spent quality time with my friend and I for pictures and autographs. Nothing was ever too much trouble for you and that memory will live with me forever.

Of course you also now have me following baseball too, and I found myself glued to the World Series screaming for The Mets (I still think you should have gone out there and blasted a couple of home runs for them on the Tuesday night though....it could have been the turning point!!).

Then I was fortunate enough to get to come back across the water to see you again for The Opry's 75th birthday and boy wasn't that a weekend to remember? You seemed to be having as much fun as we were, and I sure hope you did. It was certainly good for us to be able to see that spark back in those beautiful eyes and to see you smiling again, after what has been a very difficult time for you.

For me though that weekend just captured the whole 'thing' that surrounds you. I got to spend 4 days with 8 wonderful people that I didn't even know this time last year and that I can now call my friends (I think, even though they may not agree - especially those mad girls from Ireland!!) but I would probably never have met any of them if it wasn't for you, your music and your magnetic personality. So Thank You also for bringing the world together in friendship. I'm not sure that you actually realise how many friendships are made because of you, but, believe me, there are alot and you make us all feel like a part of one big family.

May you have the most wonderful Christmas that you could ever wish for with your 3 girls, your family and all those close to you. May it be a Christmas filled with fun and laughter and may you find peace and happiness in all that you do for the New Year and many more to come.

Garth - for all the time, effort and energy that you give to others you deserve everything you could ever hope to have - and more.

On a final note - Thank You also to Angela. Firstly for all the time and hard work she has put into creating this wonderful page and allowing us all to share our thoughts here with you, and secondly for being a good 'UK Garth friend' to me who I can call on anytime, who shares my enthusiasm, who understands, who I can travel with, but who cannot read maps! (We did find Oklahoma eventually though and when we did it was so beautiful that all I can say is "WE WANNA COME BACK"!)

Take good care of yourself,

Ros (no 'E'!) Dakin
Feltham, England


May each day of the holiday season warm your heart in ways that only time with loved ones can. If I could grant your fondest wish for Christmas, God above knows I would. You've given me so much over the years and I always feel so inadequate in what I can offer you in return. You have been friend, confidante, angel, magic, and inspiration. Every time life seems to get me down, all I have to do is reach for your music and I can be taken away to better times or I can garner the strength to face what lies before me.

Treasure these days with your girls. They are the picture of innocence and goodness and things to come. I know you have found your heart in being with them and I am so proud of you for that. It shows on your face...the peace and serenity that has finally begun to find you. Take care of your Dad. He is such a sweet special man. His heart is so giving and caring. Don't stop dreaming and doing what you have taught us all to do...believe in yourself. I miss you but feel so good in knowing that you are where you need to be.

Thank you for all the friends, the music, and the love you have brought to my life. Because of you I have come to believe again, in so many things I'd lost sight of.

Never forget the magic you have created for so many. May it be returned to you tenfold. I love you my friend. Merry Christmas!

Teresa Morris
Athens, AL
Always GB@aol.com or teresa@planetgarth.com

Dear Garth,

What can I say, you have given me so much in the last three years. You've gotten me tough depression years (two...and still going), you've gotten me through my first night in the hospital alone (I've had 31 and my parents and or grandparents have been there every time). You've taught me to believe in myself, and being disabled never means that you can't do anything. Thank you so much. You deserve so much more then you're getting out of life (even though you're doing very well I've heard). I thank my God every time I have a rememberance of you. Whatever you decide to do, may God continue to bless you, and always remember that if all of your loyal fans ever leave you (which is highly unlikely), I will be there for you and I will never leave you. You amaze me every time I look at you and hear your music. Long Live The King (that's you).

Shelley Draper
10th Grade
Shelbrooks@37.com or drape5@gateway.net

Dear Garth & Family:

Thank you from all those whose lives you have touched directly or indirectly.

The Christmas wish I have for you is that you could feel all the love and devotion we have for you, Garth, and for your family as well.

I know you have given us so much in the last 10 years, and your family has given you to us - there is no way to repay that except to tell you that we all love you and your family dearly and wish you the most wonderful Holiday Season you can have. Enjoy the smiles on the Girls' faces on Christmas morning when they are opening their presents. They are God's greatest miracles.

May you have a peaceful and Joyous Holiday Season
The Goff's
Frank, Sharon & Rebecca

Our Sweet Garth,

May the Al-Mighty G-d bless you and your family with health, happiness and all you desire. When you saw my daughter Rosie at Spring Training in February,you told her "to stay out of the hospital"... well, she ended up in the hospital about every 4 weeks, but since May 3rd, she hasn't been hospitalized again. We moved to Denver and her lungs cleared up 99%! Your songs, your words, your being, has gotten us through some difficult times. And we thank you for the gift you have given us...YOU. We hope you come back to us again...Sound familiar?

Leah Cohen

The following sites are recommended for visiting if you haven’t already...
Planet Garth
Chris Gaines Official Website
The Hollywood and Vine Chris Gaines Forum
Chris Gaines Fans
Yahoo Clubs: Garthnutts AHBA
Yahoo Clubs: Chris Gaines Friends
L'Experience Garth Brooks(French-language site)
The Garth Brooks Internet Photo Album
Garth's Page at Capitol Nashville
Troyal Garth Brooks
It's A Garth Thing
Valerie & Walter Crockett
Touched By Garth Brooks
Friends Thru Garth

This webpage is dedicated,
with much love,
to Colleen Carroll Brooks.